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Personalized job matching
Competitive salaries and financial benefits
Career Growth Support
Enjoy a range of perks designed for your well-being and success. DirectShifts clinicians have access to over 30,000 exclusive employee discounts, including a 25% discount on Betterhelp therapy, burnout check-ins, and access to ClassPass for as low as $3 per month.
DirectShifts offers various Allied Healthcare job opportunities, including:
Radiology Technologist
Surgical Technologist
Vascular Technologist
CT Technologist
Radiologic Technologist
Surgical Technician
Medical Technician
Ultrasound Technician
Medical Lab Technician
Sonography Technologist
Medical Assistant
Certified Nursing Assistant
Pharmacist jobs
Healthcare Administration
Benefits of using DirectShifts include:
Access to diverse job opportunities
Simple and easy-to-use platform and mobile app for clinicians
Exclusive clinicians discounts and perks
To apply for allied health jobs through DirectShifts, visit our website or use the mobile app to search for relevant job openings. Create an account, upload your resume, and apply for the positions that match your skills and experience.
Yes, DirectShifts offers job opportunities for healthcare professionals in various locations, including travel, locum, permanent, and per diem jobs. To find job openings near you, visit the DirectShifts job board and filter the results by location.
The salary for Allied Health positions varies depending on the position, location, and experience. When aiming for higher-paying Allied Health jobs, it's important to research and consider your interests, skills, and the demand for specific specialties.