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If you could change one thing about the way healthcare is delivered today, what would it be?

Posted Date:
Last answered:
March 7, 2025
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The control of the insurance industry on the delivery of healthcare

Robert Brown
Advanced Practice Provider (APRN, NP, CNS, Midwife, etc.)

Pay. I HAVE to be work 7 days a week, 12-14 power day. I'm too old for this

Sara K
Allied Health Professional

Letting physicians order what the patient needs and not letting the insurance companies have the final say on whether or not “they” think it will be covered or not. Insurance companies have WAYYYYYYY TOO MUCH POWER when it comes to healthcare

Registered Nurse (RN)

That telepsychiatry and telehealth would be the first offered patients in all the facilities, be it outpatient, inpatient, specialty clinics. It should be a choice for Generalists, specialist and whenever hands on exams in not a necessity for giving good care. Of course, both could be offered quality care by a provider should continued to be monitored and insurances should pay the same.

Mildred Martin
Advanced Practice Provider (APRN, NP, CNS, Midwife, etc.)

Diminishing lawsuits to only the most egregious incidents

Sanford Gordon
Physician (MD/DO)

Universal health care without insurer/legal parasites.

Mark Krivoshik
Physician (MD/DO)

Insurance. They have way too much power over who get’s what in healthcare. And who are they to say what you or any patient needs? The patients own physician and the patient should be the deciding force, not the insurance company who care only about their bottom line.

On a related note, the overall cost to the patient is way too much. The insurance companies get write offs from the provider-or at the least they negotiate a much lower rate than people who have to pay without insurance would get.

I don’t know the answer, I don’t want socialized medicine-we know that lends itself to a much lower standard of care, but perhaps something between what we are doing now and socialized medicine? Something utilizing the best of both worlds-not the worst. I would suggest that all medical care/surgical care/behavioral care deemed necessary by a patients physician be paid for in full by the government. Thereby everyone is granted NECESSARY medical care. Beyond that persons may choose to obtain insurance for medical care that is beyond necessary-plastic surgeries that are not due to medical needs (burns, accidents, disfigurement etc.) but only for vanity reasons or a persons desire to change a certain portion of their body (gender altering surgeries, facelifts, tummy tuck etc.) (gender altering surgeries are a topic some feel are necessary-most do not. The thought that it is to aid mental health of the person, it is not a physically necessary procedure. It would improve my mental health and self esteem if I had a tummy tuck, liposuction etc. but it is not a medically necessary procedure. And as such, the tax dollars should not pay for that. But persons could purchase insurance for health care that may be above medically necessary, or perhaps medical loans for such would be more appropriate?

The government should stay out of what is medically necessary for any patient. The individual physician and patient should decide this-otherwise, we are right back to where we are today. There would need to be some sort of way to monitor for dishonest physicians ordering as necessary medications/procedures that are obviously not necessary. But short of that….

That’s my opinion. I’ve person seen too many people not get, or not get I time due to fighting with insurance companies-appeals etc. the medications/procedures they desperately need and deserve. I’ve seen people’s diseases progress when they would not have progressed, disability worsen when it would have remained stable-all due to delay in treatment or flat out denial of proper treatment from the insurance companies. They have way too much power over people’s health and their lives!

Melodie Richardson
Registered Nurse (RN)

I would change the nurse to patient ratio in nursing homes.

Ramona Hodge

Get away from the push for QUANTITY and back to QUALITY of care. The more patients jammed on a schedule, the less patient and provider satisfaction.

Pamela Parker
Physician (MD/DO)

More equitable pay, stop physician super ego & hierarchy. Increase meaningful access for communities. Get religion & government out of health & wellness.

Keith Haynie
Advanced Practice Provider (APRN, NP, CNS, Midwife, etc.)


Leonard David

More authenticity and vulnerability with holistic practices and energy healing.

Hazel Moon
Behavioral Health & Social Work

Better mgmt & pay! As a medical traveler I’m contemplating leaving the industry. After hearing similar stories from other travelers what’s happening more frequently is the pay rates have dropped significantly! Also while being interviewed by mgmt for assignments transparency is all but lies! We’re being told one thing then when we get to the facilities we’re expected to carry our other duties/responsibilities. Frankly it’s becoming a major chore to travel to help/assist these facilities! I’ve experienced 2 incidents of burnout (with concussions to match) & I refuse to allow it to happen again due to inept mgmt & sub par co workers!

Teria Ester
Allied Health Professional

If I could one thing in the healthcare field it would be the people that are being hired. There are many people who really don't have a passion for helping patients, they are there just for the money. I use to work as a Certified Medical Assistant and I left because of the negative things I seen from the people who worked in the healthcare field with me.

Helen Crowell

Effective policies and procedures should be developed for workplace harassment, bullying, and discrimination.

Sabrina Walker
Behavioral Health & Social Work

There is too much focus online . The old school health care was way better where notes were kept in files. I do not like the new way online, as clients find it impersonal.

Dorothy Rose Forgione
Behavioral Health & Social Work

Medicare for all.

Debbie Kelly
Advanced Practice Provider (APRN, NP, CNS, Midwife, etc.)

More money with safer pt ratios

Melissa Martin
Registered Nurse (RN)

I have been practicing my profession as a Sonographer for over 20 years. I have not been able to go to work in the USA just because I need to have ARDMS there. My PR license and my knowledge and years of experience are more than enough. That is something I would change in the industry. There are things that make up for others.

Yalitza Melero
Allied Health Professional

Understaffing in certain facilities, it’s over whelming and as a young women that was in the health field the older women were mean and it’s like they already expect you to know the patients and that is why I changed my career, I mean I go back and work every now again because I like helping people but apart from that I just feel like can’s workers should get more because of all the stuff we deal with from patients and from other workers. It’s exhausting

Sashara Crooks

Availability of mental health care, easy access (telepsych) from very highly skilled and compassionate therapists.

Maureen Kirchhoff
Behavioral Health & Social Work

Improve access

Richard Farnum
Allied Health Professional

Racism in healthcare

Patient:nurse ratio

Unfair/unsafe assessments

Unit diversity when it comes to hiring nurse in critical care settings

Althea Carter
Registered Nurse (RN)

Less time on EMR documentation by simplifying the requirements

more face to face time with your patients.

Christopher Ryan
Physician (MD/DO)

Shortage of the Healthcare workers. It's causing poor delivery of care as staff are overwhelmed.

Johnson Bolorunduro
Registered Nurse (RN)

Medicine to be delivered and fulfilled online

Manahil Irshad
Allied Health Professional

Eliminate 3rd party payors

Alfonso Barragan
Physician (MD/DO)

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