DirectShifts connects you with over 1 million verified healthcare professionals across more than 100 specialties. Find the perfect match for your organization's staffing needs through our intelligent healthcare recruitment platform.
Connect with over 1 million pre-vetted professionals, from physicians to mental health providers, ready to join your team.
Every candidate undergoes thorough checks for licensing and certification, reducing risk and ensuring reliability.
Stop sifting through resumes—our system quickly matches candidates based on skills, experience, and location.
Create comprehensive job posts highlighting the skills and certifications you need. Attract qualified candidates with ease using our intuitive interface.
Receive instant access to resumes that match your job description. Proactively invite candidates to apply and secure the best talent for your team.
Streamline your applicant pool by adding screening forms and deal-breaker questions. Quickly identify top talent with our targeted screening tools.
Track progress, schedule interviews, and finalize hires seamlessly with our all-in-one dashboard designed to streamline your hiring process.
Improve your employer brand and attract top talent with our seamless application process.
Hire full-time, part-time, or temporary staff to meet ever-changing demands.
Save time and money with efficient, budget-friendly hiring options.
Get expert support and recruitment tips to streamline your hiring process.
Stop struggling with outdated hiring methods. DirectShifts makes finding your perfect hire simple and efficient.