Technologies That Will Help Transform Healthcare in 2023

Technologies That Will Help Transform Healthcare in 2023

It's a future that's been predicted for over a decade, but the past few years have proved its dimensionality and importance in our daily lives. Only 15% of Americans with disabilities are able to use digital technology. In fact, it is estimated that in 2023, 52% of devices will be digital. The digital world is the future ecosystem of healthcare. Its potential to transform how we live, and work has been underestimated for years. But this is about to change. DirectShifts brings to you the top innovations that will transform healthcare technology in the coming years.

AI in Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one technology that has always been around but is only recently getting the attention it deserves. Artificial intelligence is used in healthcare to analyze large amounts of data and make predictions about patient health. It can also be used to aid in diagnosis and treatment by providing decision support. This technology has the potential to transform healthcare by allowing doctors to focus less on patient care and more on data analysis, which can lead to better outcomes for both patients and doctors. The Internet of Health is developing at a rapid pace thanks to artificial intelligence. The widespread use of wearables and sensors means we have access to far more data than ever before and artificial intelligence is making sense of that information in ways never before possible. This allows doctors to make more accurate predictions about patients' health, leading to better outcomes for patients with chronic conditions, as well as cheaper treatment options for others whose conditions are not yet severe enough to require round-the-clock care from specialists outside of their primary care physicians. or professional office

Patient Engagement

Patients are not always great at monitoring their own health. They are busy and often don't have the time or resources to take care of themselves. But that is changing. The healthcare sector is turning to technology to help improve patient engagement. Patients are often asked to monitor their lifestyle, diet, and medications, but often fail to do so. This can lead to poor outcomes, increased costs, and stress on the health system. Some organizations are turning to apps and other technologies that help patients monitor their own health and share that data with their providers to improve patient-centered care. This can be achieved through online communities where patients can share their experiences and support each other. There are also programs that provide incentives for patients to record their data and share it with their providers. Patient engagement can help improve outcomes, reduce costs, and reduce the burden on providers.

Improvement of Telehealth Services

Telehealth has been around for a while, but its use is still relatively limited. It's great to see telehealth being used more widely in the healthcare industry, as it can provide many benefits to both patients and healthcare providers. One of the biggest benefits is remote patient monitoring. People living in remote areas or with chronic diseases may need ongoing monitoring, so this technology can help them stay engaged with their health and manage their conditions. Another major benefit is online doctor visits. This allows patients who don't live near a traditional doctor's office to receive medical advice from specialists via video chat. It also allows them to track their health and manage their medications remotely. The next step for telehealth will be virtual visits virtual visits allow patients who require mental health services accessible to those services without having to travel far from home. Online video visits are already available today, but virtual visits will be even better because they'll include additional features like enhanced compassionate communication and digital empathy.


Technology and medicine can work together to make healthcare more accessible, efficient, and affordable. But we won't see it happen overnight. There are many challenges ahead for technologists, healthcare providers, and everyone in between. But if we take the time to listen to each other, we may find that it is not nearly as difficult to overcome as we first believed.


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